FRIDAY 21ST FEBRUARY 2025 | 6.00 PM - 9.30 PM


What if it were to be your 'last Ramadan, how would you like to spend it? What would you do differently from previous Ramadans?

Death is the destroyer of all pleasures but do we give thought that we may not even reach Ramadan? Or be blessed with the opportunity to fast? Or spend it with our loved ones? Therefore, if we are fortunate enough to witness another Ramadan, what is the best way to spend it?

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “When it is the first night of the month of Ramadān, the devils and the rebellious jinn are tied up; the doors of Hell-fire are closed, and none of its doors are opened. The doors of Paradise are opened, and none of its doors are closed. A caller calls out: ‘O seeker of good, come forward! O seeker of evil, stop!’ And every night, Allah frees slaves from the Hell-fire.” (Tirmidhī 682)

Seminar Objectives:

  • Month of Mercy.

  • Ramadan without loved ones.

  • How can we honour those that have passed away?

  • Being tested with health/circumstance(s).

  • Battle against Nafs: Forgiveness & repentance.

"Allah is with those who restrain themselves." [Al-Quran 16: 128]

  • Purify your heart.

  • Allah is Al-Afuww.

  • Maximise each day: Goals and Ramadhan schedule.

“Let there be an aura of tranquility and dignity on the day of your fast. And don’t make the day when you fast the same as the day you don’t fast.” (Jābir b. Abdillāh ra)

  • Developing good habits and character.

  • Month of Generosity.

  • Month of Qur'an & Qiyam.

  • Du'a & Dhikr.

  • The Best Nights of Your Life - Seeking Laylatul-Qadr.

O you who has wasted his life! There is nothing that will make up for all those years lost except for the Night of al-Qadr, for indeed it is equivalent to a lifetime. (Ibn Rajab)

‘Abdullāh b. Mas‘ūd (RA) would say in the last night of Ramadān: “Who among us has been accepted, so that we might congratulate them? And who among us has been deprived of acceptance, so that we might console them? ”O accepted one! Congratulations to you! And O rejected one! May Allah remedy that which has befallen you!


Shaykh Jamal Abdinasir Hassan was born and raised in the UK. He completed the memorisation of the Qur’ān by the age of 13. Shaykh Jamal is a teacher and instructor at Imam Jazari Institute and Eman Academy.

Shaykh Jamal began studying under the tutelage of Shaykh AbdirRashid Ali Sufi in 2010 and currently holds Ijāzah in the Ten minor Qirā’āt from the Shaykh. Shaykh Jamal has also studied under Shaykh Shoieb Aly Abdul Hameed (Dean of Imām Jazarī Institute).

Shaykh Jamal plays a pivotal role in Qur’ānic Da’wah in the West providing various courses and programmes in the UK. Shaykh has also completed sciences in the Arabic Language and various studies in Ulūm al-Qur’ān.